Dr Adeline Vanderver
Scientific Advisor
Adeline Vanderver,MD, is an Attending Physician in the Division of Neurology atChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Jacob A. Kamens EndowedChair in Neurologic Disorders and Translational Neurotherapeutics. She is alsoProgram Director of theLeukodystrophy Center of Excellenceat CHOP. Leukodystrophies are a group of inherited degenerative diseases that affect thewhite matter in the brain and spinal cord. Currently, leukodystrophies includeabout 30 disorders, and scientists estimate they occur in 1 in 7,000 births. Dr.Vanderver has focused on these diseases throughout her career, and previouslyhelped to identify the genetic causes of a number of leukodystrophies using nextgeneration sequencing.Under Dr. Vanderver’s leadership, the multidisciplinary Leukodystrophy Centerteam is focused on creating new standards of care for children withleukodystrophies by advancing leukodystrophy gene discovery, creating newtherapies, and supporting and advocating for patients and their families.
In parallel with this strong clinical program, Dr. Vanderver’s preclinical andclinical research projects will aim to discover molecular therapeutics that targetthe genetics of leukodystrophy subtypes.Dr. Vanderver graduated with a degree in medicine from Universite Catholiquede Louvain in Brussels, Belgium. She completed her residency in pediatrics atNemours/A.I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington, DE, and ThomasJefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. She then pursued a child neurologyfellowship at Children's National Medical Center in Washington, DC, and afellowship in biochemical genetics at the National Human Genome ResearchInstitute/National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD.